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More than 30% of earth’s soil is desert.
Deserts can become a national asset. Just like oil.
By turning deserts fast into productive agriculture.
By using (and not fighting) the concepts of nature.
Delivering nations (in turnkey model) desert revenues.
Huge economic and monetary advantages for nations.

Creating productive/sustainable/bubbleless prosperity.
Productive capitalism (market wealth distribution).
Not financial capitalism (wealth concentration).
Open model: no patents on crops/models/technology.
Patents are just an imperial taxation by foreigners.
Joint ventures with national/regional/local goverments.

Feeding the world. Watering the world.
Employing the young generation in emerging nations.
Creating global stability. Ensuring regional peace.
Creating national food security for nations.
Breaking the food DNA monopoly agenda of Monsanto.
Avoiding the Kissinger Doctrine on global food.

National DoDs could be part of the management.
Ensuring no imperial and no colonial influences.
Almost fully use of local employees (training included).
Empowering nations in the Global South and Global East.
No pushing of WB/IMF credits: out instead into debt.
Supporting meat/dairy/food exports and export finance.

National governmental contacts. National DoD contacts.
Food brands contacts. Food futures contacts.

Guiding rain into the soil (cutting evaporation loss).
Attracting/tampering rain fall (rain without floods).
Preventing the arise of dust bowls / sand storms.
Delivering water supply to desert based cities.
Empowering local/regional/national economies.
Establishing road/rail/bridge infrastructures.

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Our supporters. Our endorsers.
Our financing partners. Our business partners.
Our media exposure. Our media material depository.
Global organizations that support us.

View online 'desert greening' TED talks by our founders.
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